About Us
Athletes & Tuxedos was established in 2022, determined to offer the top luxury catering services for both clientele seeking an exclusive fine dining experience or simply focusing on healthy well balanced meal planning to top-end performance food, our reputation was built on exquisite food, creativity, and outstanding client service.
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What we do
A&T standing for the three main core values when it comes to dining.
Passion, Dedication, Performance!
These values are playing key roles in my operation when selecting the right meal plan for an athlete, or designing a unique dining experience for a wedding, hunting season, birthday party, or a dinner event at your own home just to name a few.
I am working closely with our clients, to get to know them, their personality, reading between the lines to create their wish to become reality.
The relationships I build with our clients is key to creating a service that truly benefits their journey.
From entertaining on HNW clients, to private culinary support for elite athletes and partnering with leading cycling teams, I am highly skilled and experienced in delivering end-to-end hospitality around the world. I can cater for every vision and has a reputation for creating special moments, always going that extra mile, and bringing hospitality and nutrition to life.
Every client comes with a different vision, and I am adept at approaching your enquiry with a blank sheet of paper, ready to find fresh inspiration and create a completely bespoke event. The creative process fires my imagination and no sooner has one party finished than I am thinking about how we can do the next one.
One-to-one Performance Chef cookery demonstrations are also available online via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.
A&T stand for three main core values:
Passion • Dedication • Performance •
Head Chef & Director
Zoltan Szalas
I’m Zoltan, a professional chef with over 20 years’ experience complements with wide ranges of culinary skills in fine dining and performance nutrition from the Austrian Alps to all across the UK, looking after HNW clients, and supporting elite athletes with tailored nutrition plan matched with training schedule, competition prep, or rehabilitation.
After working as an Executive Head Chef at the Southampton Football Club, leading the culinary operation during matchdays, conferences and events, I was also responsible to fuel hungry Premier League football players, covering everyone’s energy requirements, ethical background, religion, allergies, and intolerances, I know how to match the food to the need. I trained with leading chefs in a UK on fine dining and performance food and have supported people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and countries with varying tastes. I have worked with elite football players, GB cyclists on tour at the peak of their career, mucking in and adapting to their environment and meet their nutritional needs. All this experience has given me a vast understanding on top end dining and nutrition in sport.
Food and sport have always been close to my heart due to my family background and my sporting history, I am very fortunate to have job that allows me to enjoy the best of both worlds.
When I’m not working, I am tempting to discover and try new dishes that offer unusual approach for dining experiences, and due to my lifestyle as a triathlete, I am keeping up with the current nutritional updates and searching for new superfood ingredients that aiding the high training regime and support performance.